Future City

Future City

Sunday, March 30, 2014


We are finally getting to talk aloud, or we will get to. All of us are suppose to meet up together at King's Park Psychiatric Center to talk about how we are going to get Blaire and Rocket's friend out of Sector B. I'm not sure who chose this terrible place to meet up, but I guess if it's the only place where we can finally talk aloud about what has been going on without fear of being heard then I'm okay with it. I remember my parents saying that this was one of the few places that the government couldn't keep guards stationed at due to the freaky stuff they claimed to have occurred here. They also can't listen in with their technology due to the paranormal activity. It's literally the safest place to talk. I only hope that the spirits that are said to haunt the place don't come out to play while we are here. Once we figure out our plan of action, we will finally be able to get something done. This waiting around wondering what will happen is getting old. This will be the first time that we are all going to be together. Let's hope we all get along long enough to figure this out.

I get this feeling that I am being watched, but I am in the middle of nowhere. Plus who in their right mind would follow me to this psych center or even know where I was going? It's probably just my nerves. They've been shot ever since this all started. I'm gonna have to tell Tim that a few days off work is needed.

Why is it that Tim and I didn't meet up with each other before coming here? He's been acting kind of strange lately. I don't know if the disappearance has caused him to crack, but something is definitely different. If so, this psych center might have done him some good...if it was still functioning.

There it is...it's massive! They must've kept a lot of patients here. It looks like nothing from Manhattan; maybe something out of Sector B. Sector B buildings are really old and rugged. I don't see anyone else. They must all be inside. As soon as I reach the door, I hear the loudest female scream. Craaaaap...it sounded like that reporter, Charlotte. Probably saw a rat or something. I guess I should try and find her......

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Map of Action

Map of Action

After deciding to attempt to rescue Blaire from Sector B, we wanted to create a map for all of us to see so that we could connect all of the different points and information that we all discover. Combined, the amount of information we do have is great. We are beginning to understand one another, and I think that will help us through this process. I never knew that Madeline was from Las Vegas. That is why she was able to describe to me what the MET use to be like! I guess they don't have as many restriction as we do. I mentioned on one of my points that I see Tim every once in a while wondering around central park as if he is looking for something. It says on this map that he is searching for Blaire. Why would he be looking for her there? I thought that we confirmed she was in Sector B. I definitely need to ask him about this. This map is going to give me insight on who all of these people are, and if I can actually trust them. I hope that I can.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Initial Push

I went into work today, and I automatically knew that something was up. Blaire went missing. Blaire is the ex-girlfriend of my boss, Tim, who is the owner of the bar. He told me that she had something important to tell him, and then she just vanished. It's been 3 days since he has heard from her, and we have no idea where to start looking for her. I couldn't tell this to Tim, but it wouldn't surprise me if she was taken to sector B by the government. Recently, there have been a lot of people taken there without giving the public probable cause.

We had created posters to place and hand around town. I passed them around, but I doubt they will be helpful. I also have noticed their being some new and odd characters coming into the bar. When I say odd, I don't mean rugged. Those are the types we are use to. When I say odd, I mean people who you would expect to ever see there. Rocket Anderson showed up when I made it back to the bar. Strange that he was there. Maybe he would know something about Blaire.