Future City

Future City

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Art of Freedom

Once the police found out who I was, I was released immediately. I really am going to have to be a little selfish now. Tim and the others was able to get Blaire out and now there is a lot of talk going around about the government being corrupt. I knew this, but I have a feeling that it might get worse before anything actually changes. I am going to drop out of school. Yes...I am going to drop out and head to Las Vegas. Madeline told me that the art there is beautiful and free. That is where I want to go. Freedom is what I search for now.

2 Weeks Later...

I made it! I'm in Las Vegas. It is very strange here. A lot different than what it was like in New York. Somewhat barbaric, but it sure emanates freedom. I like it. I've been around to see all kinds of different art. I've even been researching art that use to be in the Metropolitan Museum of Art back home. It was more beautiful than what it is now. Maybe that will change soon. I haven't heard much about new york since I left. I'm not sure I want to know. If I find that the people are free, I might want to go back to become a part of the new society, but if I find that the people still aren't free then I will feel obligated to back and help. It is probably best for me to remain ignorant until I can no longer avoid it.

I have posted my favorite art from the past on this social media website that people have used for over a hundred years. It's called tumblr.com. My blog is http://www.tumblr.com/blog/alecmezera.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


It's been a few days since we all met at King's park. The whole plan was for Tim, Madeline, and Rocket to enter sector B and attempt to bring Blaire out. My role is to stay at the bar and keep the cops distracted because they are now looking for Tim. They want to arrest him, because they want to make it look like he is responsible for Blaire's disappearance. I was kinda bummed that I didn't get to be in on the action, but hopefully something will happen that will raise my adrenaline...

10 minutes Later...

What in the world is going on? I was back in the bar's office trying to sort out some paperwork when this loud crowd entered the bar. They sound very angry. I went out to see what was happening so that I could prevent any fights from breaking out. Those aren't so rare these days. When I stepped out from the back, I was surrounded by police. The leader, a large bald man, stepped right in front of my face and asked where Tim was. I knew exactly where Tim was, but I couldn't tell them that. I tried to convince them that I had no idea, but they must be catching on to what we are trying to do here. They seem frantic like someone in great authority is pressuring them to find Tim. They want someone to blame this disappearance on. I explain to them that I haven't seen him for days, but that was not the answer they wanted to hear. The bald man ultimately decided to arrest me just so that he arrested someone connected to Tim. The officer didn't know however who I actually was. I spent a few hours in a cell but my family's connections allowed for my early release. I wonder what will happen to that officer?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I Am...

I am nervous but excited for the things to come. Nothing exciting has ever really occurred in my life. Now that It has I don't want to let it go...just yet.

I am the working grunt. I am doing a lot of the ground work, but I don't mind. It means that I get to be right in the mess of things, getting to experience all the chaos that occurs.

I was born into a rich, proud, and governmental focused family, but I no longer fit into their norms or beliefs. I am not sure that I ever did.

I am young and naive or innocent, which ever you wish to think, about the how the world actually is. With the help of others, my eyes are being 'forced' open. I see our government as a manipulative parent instead of a protective one.

I am an employee at a local bar. The bar, within itself, has provided me with an opportunity that has broadened my view on those below the rich and how things should be...and will be.

After this is all over, I plan to leave this city so that I can experience the freedom that individuals from other cities get to experience every day. I will escape...after this is all over.

I have full intentions to show and make the manipulating power that I no longer need their support or ways of life. Will any others follow me...?