Future City

Future City

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


It's been a few days since we all met at King's park. The whole plan was for Tim, Madeline, and Rocket to enter sector B and attempt to bring Blaire out. My role is to stay at the bar and keep the cops distracted because they are now looking for Tim. They want to arrest him, because they want to make it look like he is responsible for Blaire's disappearance. I was kinda bummed that I didn't get to be in on the action, but hopefully something will happen that will raise my adrenaline...

10 minutes Later...

What in the world is going on? I was back in the bar's office trying to sort out some paperwork when this loud crowd entered the bar. They sound very angry. I went out to see what was happening so that I could prevent any fights from breaking out. Those aren't so rare these days. When I stepped out from the back, I was surrounded by police. The leader, a large bald man, stepped right in front of my face and asked where Tim was. I knew exactly where Tim was, but I couldn't tell them that. I tried to convince them that I had no idea, but they must be catching on to what we are trying to do here. They seem frantic like someone in great authority is pressuring them to find Tim. They want someone to blame this disappearance on. I explain to them that I haven't seen him for days, but that was not the answer they wanted to hear. The bald man ultimately decided to arrest me just so that he arrested someone connected to Tim. The officer didn't know however who I actually was. I spent a few hours in a cell but my family's connections allowed for my early release. I wonder what will happen to that officer?

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